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How to send GIF file image in whatsapp

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Send GIF file in whatsapp message without converting in GIF file you can send a small video less then or equal to 6 second video you can send as GIF image if you have more than 6 second with length don’t worry you can adjust this video length and you can select 6 second video part. So today in this post I am going to show you how to send any small video as gif file without using other software. Acuity this new feature add by whatsapp, as you know whatsapp adding many new feature in whatsapp which we don’t have earlier like sending document file pdf,excel,word, video calling, voice calling etc now we have this features and now we also have GIF file sending option.
Follow below steps for send a gif file in whatsapp
  • Go to whatsapp attachment option and select gallery
  • Now select a video from your mobile gallery
whatsapp video salection
Now adjust your video length in maximum 6 second after adjust video in 6 second you can seen top of the right side a video camera icon tap on this icon it will be change in GIF icon now you can send this video as gif file now click on send button.
  • After send this video you can see this in your message box as GIF See below image.
send gif image in whatsapp
Try it whatsapp image thumbnail change magic trick for android
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