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Showing posts with label Excel Formulas. Show all posts

Excel Count Function

What Does It Do ?
This function counts the number of numeric entries in a list.
It will ignore blanks, text and errors.


=COUNT(Range1,Range2,Range3... through to Range30)


No special formatting is needed.


The following table was used by a builders merchant to calculate the number of sales
for various products in each month.

Excel Correl Function

What Does It Do ?  

This function examines two sets of data to determine the degree of relationship
between the two sets.
The result will be a decimal between 0 and 1.
The larger the result, the greater the correlation.

In Table 1 the Monthly temperature is compared against the Sales of air conditioning units.
The correlation shows that there is an 0.864 realtionship between the data.

In Table 2 the Cost of advertising has been compared to Sales.
It can be formatted as percentage % to show a more meaning full result.
The correlation shows that there is an 28% realtionship between the data.



The result will normally be shown in decimal format.

Excel Concatenate Formula Example

Combine excel sheet cells value by using Concatenate Function

What Does It Do?

This function joins separate pieces of text into one item.


  • =CONCATENATE(Text1,Text2,Text3...Text30) Up to thirty pieces of text can be joined.

  • Formatting

  • No special formatting is needed, the result will be shown as normal text.

  • Note
  • You can achieve the same result by using the & operator.
  • Excel Code Function ANSI Value

    What Does It Do?

  • This function shows the ANSI value of a single character, or the first character in a piece of text.
  • The ANSI character set is used by Windows to identify each keyboard character by using a unique number.
  • There are 255 characters in the ANSI set.

  • Syntax



  • No special formatting is needed, the result will be shown as a number between 1 and 255.

  • Example

    See the example for FREQUENCY.

    Excel Clean Function with Example

    Excel CLEAN Function Removes Non-Printing Characters

    What Does It Do?

  • This function removes any nonprintable characters from text.
  • These nonprinting characters are often found in data which has been imported
  • from other systems such as database imports from mainframes.

  • Syntax

  • =CLEAN(TextToBeCleaned)


  • No special formatting is needed. The result will show as normal text.